Ho Ho Ho - Alvin and The Chipmunks [LYRICS]
Ho Ho Ho - Alvin and The ChipmunksComment, Rate, Subscribe*LYRICS*Ho ho hoAnd jingle jingleBells are ringing all aroundSnowflakes fall and lights adorn ourVery merry tinsel townHo ho hoAnd jingle jingleSanta sits us on his kn
alvin, and, the, chipmunks, undeniable, ho, Christmas, simon, theodore, dave, david, seville, ross, bagdasarian, new, album, TheMusicDog, MusicDog, Music, Dog, Jesus, Christ, Is, Born, Birth, God, Thanks, Be, To, Lyrics, December, 25, 2010, Movie, Squeakq
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Külaline(28 detsember 2012 20:53)
Külaline(9 august 2012 08:45)
Külaline(8 august 2012 17:18)
Külaline(1 märts 2012 11:59)